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Antminer Z15 420ksol Error y solución con el firmware más reciente




    Hola chicos, Antminer Z15 420k sol ya está en entrega

    Algunas máquinas muestran este error: MP Test Firmware antminer Z15.



    Cuando esto ocurre, es posible que no puedas cambiar la piscina o cualquier otra configuración.


    Si obtienes el mismo error, utiliza este firmware

    Antminer Z15 420k/sol Fimware ::

    Ya lo hemos probado y te lo recomendamos. Si ocurre el mismo error, utiliza este firmware.


    Para obtener más información sobre Antminer Z15, consulta aquí: Bitmain Antminer Z15 Equihash Miner


    Contáctanos para cualquier problema, estamos felices de ayudar:

    +86-13138175303 | +1-240-230-6644 | Info@www.cryptominerbros.com


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    Han su

    Han Su is a Technical Analyst at CryptoMinerBros, a leading provider of cryptocurrency mining hardware. He has over 5 years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry, and is an expert in mining hardware, software, and profitability analysis.

    Han is responsible for the technical analysis and research on ASIC Mining at Crypto Miner Bros. He also writes In-depth blogs on ASIC mining and cryptocurrency mining, and he has a deep understanding of the technology. His blogs are informative and engaging, and they have helped thousands of people learn about cryptocurrency mining.

    He is always looking for new ways to educate people about cryptocurrency, and he is excited to see how the technology continues to develop in the years to come.

    In his spare time, Han enjoys hiking, camping, and spending time with his family. He is also an avid reader, and he loves to learn about new things.

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